Guide: Best Chrome Exten­sions to Block Page Elements

What are your thoughts on websites that use large page elements? Do they bother you, or do they just look like a nuisance? ..

I found a way to get rid of the header by using a code.

Chrome extensions can help solve any problem. I have found five extensions that can make short work of unwanted web elements. Let’s take a look at them. ..

1. uBlock Origin

uBlock Origin is an excellent ad-blocking extension for Chrome. However, the extension also comes with a phenomenal element blocking feature that is very effective.

To block a web element, right-click on it and select “Block Element” from the context menu. ..

You can then move the cursor and the extension will automatically highlight elements that you can block. Make your choice, click Create, and the selected element will be blocked. ..

You can manage blocked elements with the uBlock Origin dashboard. Right-click the uBlock Origin extension icon, click Options, then click My Filters. You can then remove previously blocked elements from the filter list.

Overall, uBlock Origin should help you block any unwanted page element quite easily. But again, the extension also blocks ads, so don’t forget to whitelist your favorite sites. You can also choose to turn off the ad blocking filters and use them exclusively as an element blocker.

2. Click to delete element

Basically, uBlock Origin and Click to Remove Element offer the same blocking capabilities, although Click to Remove Element does not block ads.

In a recent study, people who clicked on a link in an email were more likely to delete the email than those who didn’t. The reason? The link led to a page that was either too difficult or too boring to read.

After installing the extension, click on the extension icon. You can then move the cursor around and the extension will highlight all blockable elements on a page. Click on an unwanted element and the extension should block it immediately.

If you want to delete an element from your extension, but don’t want it to remember your changes the next time you visit, you can choose to have it ‘remember’ your changes.

3. ChuckIt

ChuckIt is a great element blocker that is very easy to use. Once installed, you can right-click on Chrome’s address bar and select “delete elements.” This is very fast, as there are no menus or popups.

However, any changes you make are not permanent. But it is perfect for use on sites that you don’t visit too often. For example, you can easily delete videos that are playing automatically on any site you came across in a few clicks. ..

4. ElementHider

ElementHider is a new extension that allows you to hide elements by inserting keywords. This is different from the other extensions you went through, which required you to point and click the element you wanted to delete. ..

ElementHider blocks keywords on all sites. You can choose to blur elements or not.

The ElementHider extension is easy to use. You can click on the ElementHider extension icon and insert the keywords. You can also choose to make the keywords case sensitive or case insensitive. ..

ElementHider is a great extension for blocking elements that contain similar types of content without having to deal with them repeatedly across multiple sites.

5. CustomBlocker

CustomBlocker is a simple but effective way to add custom rules to your website. While you can create your own rules using the built-in element picker, the easiest way to get started is by using CustomBlocker’s built-in rule picker. This makes it easy to find and add custom rules to your website without having to learn complicated HTML and CSS.

CustomBlocker extension: Click the CustomBlocker extension icon and then click Suggest under the Elements to Hide section. You can then simply click on any element you want to block within a web page, and it should usually be added automatically.

To further refine your filter rules, you can use keywords to determine what content to block. ..

Tidy is neat

uBlock Origin, Click to Remove Element, and ChuckIt work best if you prefer a visual approach to blocking elements, while ElementHider and CustomBlocker allow a different view through the use of keywords.

Are there too many extensions installed in Google Chrome? Here are five great extension managers to help you deal with it with ease. ..

Best Chrome Exten­sions to Block Page Elements: benefits


Final note

Chrome extensions can be used to block elements on webpages. This guide provides a list of the best Chrome extensions for blocking page elements. If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to ask us in the comments section below. Additionally, please share this article with your friends to help spread the word about Chrome extensions for blocking page elements! ..

If you have any questions about the best Chrome extensions to block page elements, please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. This guide or tutorial is just for educational purposes. If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “Best Chrome Extensions to Block Page Elements,” then kindly contact us. Want to add an alternate method? If anyone wants to add more methods to the guide “Best Chrome Extensions to Block Page Elements,” then kindly contact us. Our contact page regards any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off). If you want the latest software updates and discussion about any software in your pocket, then here is our Telegram channel. ..