Guide: Best Sound­Cloud Alter­na­tives

SoundCloud is a great way to share audio files with others. It’s like YouTube, but with a different approach to the media format and audience. ..

Apple’s newest iPhone has a new feature that lets you use your earphones with the phone. This is a great feature because it makes it easier to listen to music and podcasts while you’re on your way.

There are several other websites that allow users to upload audio files and share them with others. This can be done for fun, to show off your musical skills, or to get feedback on your work. ..


When people aren’t satisfied with SoundCloud, they might end up using Bandcamp. There are some amazing features from Bandcamp which definitely make it more important than what SoundCloud offers.

The second is that Bandcamp is a music streaming platform that allows users to purchase and listen to music. Bandcamp also has a merchandising feature that allows users to sell their products. The main downside of Bandcamp is that it lowers music revenues by 15 percent and 10 percent in merchandise sales.

Bandcamp is a music streaming platform that is specifically designed for artists and bands who take their music seriously. SoundCloud, on the other hand, focuses more on audio than it does on music discovery and distribution. If you’re interested in using Bandcamp as your primary streaming platform, it’s free to do so.


Tumblr is a great platform for promoting audio listening and sharing. It’s underrated among the great brand building services. ..

Tumblr is a social media platform that allows users to post multimedia content, including audio posts. Audio posts can be MP3 files only if the user wants to; there are no other file types supported. The wealth of themes available on Tumblr creates the opportunity to create a stylish music collection, with built-in promotional tools such as tags and mixing. Tumblr also offers paid ad options. ..

Selling music on Tumblr can be difficult, but there are a few services that make it easy to sell music quickly. ..


Mixcloud is a music streaming service where you can choose the internet station and what you hear is ultimately up to that station. However, it is very easy to upload your own tracks to be part of that.

Mixcloud is a music streaming service that is not allowed to upload your own music singles or covers. It is mainly for radio shows, podcasts or DJ mixes that are stored as audio files on your computer. If you want to promote your own musical creations, Mixcloud may not be the right service for you. However, if you are a DJ, Mixcloud may have something to offer.

If you upload original content that Mixcloud approves, you will receive royalties from artists. This is a nice perk, as Mixcloud generally has a narrower range than SoundCloud. So be aware of that before uploading your content. ..

Mixing crate

Mixcrate is a website for DJs only. You cannot receive royalties or make money from your mixes on Mixcrate.

Mixcrate is a great platform for DJs because it has a good community. If you don’t care about making money, but you just want to get your DJ mixes out there and showcase your brand, then Mixcrate gives you a solid opportunity to do just that.

My space

Myspace has completely lost the social network battle. Unfortunately, it no longer competes with Facebook or Twitter. Instead, Myspace started to focus a lot more on what it always did best: music (and to an extent video.)

Myspace was a better platform for music discovery back in the 2008 transition period because it allowed artists to sign up and upload their songs and albums quickly.

Myspace is a social networking site that provides valuable insight into how your music is performing across the community. Moreover, given its brand name, still generates a lot of traffic. You just have to convince your friends that they should check out your Myspace page in this decade. ..

Best Sound­Cloud Alter­na­tives: benefits


Final note

Best SoundCloud Alter­na­tives: A Guide for the New User

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