Guide: Delete Lines in VI: Tips and Tutorial

Vi is a well-known text editor dating back to the early days of Unix. It has two different modes: as a screen-oriented editor for editing text on the screen, and as a command-line editor for editing text files. ..

In insert mode, the text becomes part of the file. In normal mode, keystrokes are treated as direct commands. Therefore, various keyboard commands are used to reduce the amount of work required to edit a file.

When the commands are so different, is it really easier to delete lines or edit them with the keystroke commands? Let’s figure it out.

Cut a line or block

Now if you want to paste that line elsewhere, move the cursor to the new location and press p. Note that pressing p pastes the line or block after the cursor position. If you want to paste before the cursor position, you must press P.

Edit across a line

You can also change the text by pressing c in step 6. Pressing d cuts off, pressing y makes jerks or copies, and c opens insert mode where you can add new text. This can help you replace an entire line or block without having to cut them first.

Delete multiple lines

Option 1: Type “vi -d” to delete one line at a time. Option 2: Type “x” to erase all lines in the file.

To delete all lines in a file, use the “:d” command. This will put vi in command mode and tell it to apply the “d” (delete) command to all lines. ..

  1. The cost of goods sold in the United States increased by 1 percent in the first quarter of 2018.

This is the more popular alternative. Again, the ‘:’ introduces a command. “1, $” tells vi which lines to target. In this example, it would be the lines starting with line 1 and the last. ‘d’ stands for delete.

This assignment is better because it is customizable. You can use it to delete rules in bulk, but without having to delete them all.

If you use the following:
4, $ – 2d vi will delete all lines between the third and second to last line. It leaves the first three intact because the lines start with 1 and not 0.

The -2 indicates how many lines start from the last and count down to zero.

Using characters, Word, and lines in normal mode

vi -e “del del” vi -e “rm rm”


This command will delete the entire line. You can place the cursor anywhere on the line, be it on a word or on an empty space. The rule and all the space it occupied are cleared.

x / X

If you want to remove all the characters from a line, you can use x. Place the cursor after a character and press x. This removes the character and also the space it took up. This also means that all the other characters in the vicinity come together to fill the gap.

You can also use x to delete an empty space in a line. If you hover over a character and want to delete the character before it, press X instead of x.


If you press dw while your cursor is at the beginning of a word, that word is deleted and the space occupied by the word is also deleted. You can also delete only parts of a word. ..

Delete the characters and the space they occupied in the line.

A Final Thought

Vi is a great modal editor, but it can be difficult to get used to its different modes. There is little feedback when you switch between them, which makes it easy to accidentally enter code text when you should issue a command.

Delete Lines in VI: Tips and Tutorial: benefits


Final note

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