Fix ‘Audio Not Working’ Issue on Windows 10 – Guide
Since Microsoft no longer attaches importance to improving the hardware compatibility of Windows 10, most device drivers are pre-installed or shipped via feature updates. This led to a seamless experience for users, but from time to time there are users who complain that the audio stops working after a Windows 10 upgrade or have problems with other components. ..
Windows 10 users may experience muffled audio when using third-party hardware. Here we explain how to fix the issue. ..
Follow these steps to fix Windows 10 audio
Run the audio troubleshooter
To troubleshoot problems on your computer, open the Troubleshooting Settings window. ..
In the next window, look at Get Up and the Running section for the option that says Playing Audio and select it. Then select Run the Troubleshooter.
A new troubleshooter icon will open up on the taskbar. Select it to open the new window. You will now have the option to troubleshoot different types of connected devices, including built-in devices and headphones. In most cases, you’ll want to choose your default device, but you can customize it for your device. Select Next when finished. ..
The troubleshooter can offer advice on how to improve sound quality or pinpoint issues with drivers that need attention. Try what it suggests to see if it helps solve your problem!
Keep checking your updates
Windows 10 Insider Program users are always getting the latest and greatest updates, especially for fixes and improvements for the sound issue. Sometimes all it takes is a driver update to fix an issue, but sometimes it may take a little time. The required driver update may not appear right away, so you should be patient.
Check the volume sliders and make sure your system is fully up to date
Windows 10 is still not meeting the expectations of many users, and it seems that the company is aware of this. In an effort to address these issues, Microsoft has released a new update that includes a number of fixes and improvements. However, some users are reporting that their sound issues have not been resolved.
If you’re having problems with sound on your computer, first check the volume mixer and see if anything has changed. Look at the taskbar and you’ll see a speaker icon on the right. Right-click and choose Open Volume Mixer. Check your sliders, especially for any third-party apps, and make sure they look normal. Some of the sliders may have been lowered too low and will need to be adjusted to correct their volume.
Check your output device
The Up Arrow next to the clock and calendar lets you quickly access the current time and date.
Open Sound Settings will open to show the sound settings for your computer.
In the settings menu, look for the top input that says Choose your output device. Use the drop-down menu to verify that the correct device is selected, whether it’s speakers or a set of headphones connected. While you’re there, make sure the volume isn’t at zero. ..
Update sound card drivers
Open the Start menu and search for “Device Manager”. Click on the relevant result. To open Device Manager, open the Start menu and search for “device manager”. If you are using a Windows 8 or 10 operating system, Device Manager will be found in the Charms bar at the bottom of the screen. ..
If you have a sound card, it will show up in Device Manager as well.
If you don’t have a sound card, or if it’s not working properly, you can try to update your drivers by going to the Driver tab on your computer and looking for the Update Driver option. This will start an automatic Windows search to find driver updates and download them.
After the update is complete, reboot your device and see if the audio now works.
Restart audio services
The Services app is a great way to find and use the services offered by your local businesses.
Windows 10 will now restart and you’ll be able to access the new Windows audio window. This window will show a long list of services and you can scroll down to specifically locate Windows audio. Right click on Windows Audio and choose Restart from the available options. ..
When the reboot is complete, reset all three services. This will help to fix any audio issues that may have been caused by your previous installation.
Use a generic high definition audio device driver
Open Device Manager and find the audio driver.
Right-click on the driver and choose Update Driver.
This time, you can choose to search for driver software on your computer manually.
I want to choose from a list of device drivers on my computer, so I can restore my sound.
Fixing Cortana and Microphone Issues
Open Cortana by clicking its icon in the Windows search bar and selecting the Cog Settings icon in the lower left corner.
This will give you several toggle options to control what the voice assistant can do. Make sure the option for Cortana to hear Hey Cortana commands is turned on. If she’s not listening, her voice commands won’t work. If you have a microphone and the Cortana settings are correct, but the smart assistant still can’t hear you, it’s worth checking your recording device settings.
To change the time, click on the Up Arrow in the lower right corner of the screen, next to the clock and date.
Right-click the Audio icon and select Open Sound Settings.
Make sure the microphone you want to use is selected on the Input page of your device’s settings. Make sure the volume levels are set to at least 50.
Final note
If you’re having trouble hearing audio on your Windows 10 computer, you may be able to fix the issue by using a software update. If you don’t have one yet, you can get one from Microsoft by visiting the Windows Update website.