Guide: Fix ‘Chrome Cre­ate Short­cut Not Work­ing’ Issue

Google Chrome’s ability to create desktop shortcuts for websites is an incredibly useful feature that allows users to access sites in unique Chrome windows, giving the impression that they function like real Windows or macOS apps. Ideal if you hate messing around with tabs. ..

Chrome’s Create Shortcut feature can be a helpful tool, but there are some potential issues you may encounter. For example, certain shortcuts you create will launch in normal Chrome windows, with tabs and the address bar visible. Or you may find the option greyed out and unusable. If this happens, it may be difficult to fix.

That said, let’s take a look at several solutions that can help you get this vital feature rolling in the right direction. ..

Chrome is a web browser that helps you stay connected to the internet. It’s important to keep Chrome up to date so you can enjoy its features and security. To do this, open the Chrome menu, point to Help, and click About Google Chrome.

Create shortcuts to websites without an address bar

Chrome’s Create Shortcut feature is easy to use. However, you must configure the browser to open the website in the appropriate window (without tabs and the address bar) during the creation process. Otherwise, any shortcut you create will open in normal Chrome windows by default.

Create a shortcut to the website you just visited in Chrome.

If you want to open the window in a new tab, check the box next to Open as a new tab.

If you don’t see the Open as a window option, update Chrome to the latest version and then try again. Google removed this option in Chrome version 69 and then added it again in version 72. Therefore, you must use Chrome v72 or higher. ..

To open the website in a new Chrome window, you can now create a shortcut on your desktop. ..

To access your extensions, view site settings, and more, use the ellipsis icon (with three dots) in the top right corner of the window. ..

Configure existing shortcuts to disable the address bar and tabs

Chrome’s app launcher lets you easily reconfigure how the shortcuts work.


Open Chrome as a window

Double-click on the shortcut to open it in the window provided.

Fix Create shortcut option issue grayed out

If you use an incognito or guest window in Chrome, the Create Shortcut option may be greyed out. To fix the problem, you need to use a normal Chrome window. ..

To switch to Incognito mode in Chrome, open the Chrome menu and click New Window. Load the website you want to create a shortcut to and you should be able to access the Create Shortcut option without any problems.

To exit guest mode, click the guest profile icon and then click Exit guest. Reload the website in a normal Chrome window and you will then be able to access the Create Shortcut option again.

Chrome limits you by the design of creating shortcuts to these pages.

Fix Website shortcut not showing on desktop problem

If you can’t find the shortcut to a website on your computer, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem. First, visit the Chrome app launcher (type chrome: // apps in the address bar). Right-click on the shortcut and then select Create Shortcuts from the context menu. Next, add the website’s full URL (including http://) to the new shortcut. Finally, click OK to save the new shortcut. ..

-Select the check box next to Desktop and click Create. -You should then find the desktop shortcut again. ..

Delete the shortcut to Chrome if it does not appear in the Apps Launcher.

To open the website in a new window, first load it in Chrome. Then, if you want the shortcut to open in a special Chrome window, create a new shortcut and check the “Open as window” option. ..

Bonus Tip – Install Progressive Web Apps

Chrome 70 now allows users to install websites as “progressive web apps.” These apps work in the same way as regular website shortcuts, but feature enhanced functionality such as support for notifications and faster loading times. ..

If you see a ‘+’ shaped icon in the right corner of the address bar, click on it and then click Install.

PWAs can be installed and configured to launch in dedicated windows, allowing you to skip the extra step of checking the Open as window box. ..

The Create Shortcut option is a great way to quickly create a shortcut to a website.

Chrome’s app launcher lets you manage progressive web apps. This is a way to keep your apps organized and easy to use.

Choose your shortcut

Some websites offer shortcut features that are incredibly useful. However, be aware of the PWA versions of sites. Not only are they much more convenient to install, but they are also fantastic to work with. For example, a website like Google may offer a “Google search” shortcut that allows you to quickly and easily find information on a topic you’re interested in.

Chrome shortcuts can help increase productivity. ..

Fix ‘Chrome Cre­ate Short­cut Not Work­ing’ Issue: benefits


Final note

If you’re having trouble using Chrome’s shortcut creation feature, this guide can help. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us in the comments. Also, please share this article with your friends to help spread the word! ..

If you have any queries about the Chrome Cre­ate Short­cut Not Work­ing Issue, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Education: This guide or tutorial is just for educational purposes. Misinformation: If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “Fix ‘Chrome Cre­ate Short­cut Not Work­ing’ Issue”, then kindly contact us. Want to add an alternate method: If anyone wants to add more methods to the guide Fix ‘Chrome Cre­ate Short­cut Not Work­ing’ Issue, then kindly contact us. Our Contact: Kindly use our contact page regards any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off). Channel: If you want the latest software updates and discussion about any software in your pocket, then here is our Telegram channel.