Guide: Fix ‘Google Sheets Won’t Let Me Type or Edit Error’ Issue

Google Sheets is a spreadsheet application that allows users to collaborate on one spreadsheet without having to save anything. However, several users cannot use the major version of Sheets feature and selling point. Many users complain that they cannot type or edit documents in Google Sheets.

In order to collaborate effectively with team members, it is important to understand their individual strengths and weaknesses. This can be difficult, as team members may not want to share information that would improve the team’s performance. To overcome this obstacle, we have a few solutions.

1. Basic steps

These are simple steps that can help fix some common bugs and errors you may encounter while using Sheets. Please refresh the page to reload the file and try again. Close and restart the browser. I don’t see how restarting the computer can help other than freeing up system resources, but it’s worth a try.

2. Fast solution

Sheets is a great app for working on files and getting work done. It helps you pinpoint the problem so you can fix it.

Android and iOS devices are popular platforms for mobile app development, while Chrome and Firefox are popular browsers. To fix the problem of the cache and data being incorrect on different platforms, try using a combination of different platforms and browsers.

3. Copy to new sheet file

If you are having trouble copying and pasting the contents of a file, you can try creating a new Sheets file with the command “” This will create a new file with the same contents as the current one, so you can see if that solves the problem. If not, your permissions may be preventing you from copying and pasting the file. You can check this by opening the file in a different browser tab and looking for “Permissions” in the “Info” tab. If it says “No Access,” then you need to change your permissions to allow copying and pasting. ..

4. Work offline

Do you have a stable internet connection? If not, try a different Wi-Fi connection or mobile hotspot. There are two things to do if you don’t have access to the Internet: one is to download and install the Google Docs Offline extension for Chromium-based browsers, and the other step is to enable the Work Offline option for Sheets in the browser settings. Your work is saved to your Google account when your PC reconnects to the Internet. So can you type and edit in Sheets while in offline mode?

Google Docs offline is a feature that allows you to save and access your work offline. This means that you can continue working on your project even if you’re not connected to the internet.

5. Google account

If you are a Google user and want to edit or type data in Google Sheets, you must sign in with your Google account. This is especially true if you are part of the G Suite family, which includes many different Google accounts.

If you want to see only the data in Google Sheets, you can click the View Only button and then refresh the page. If you want to edit or type data in Google Sheets, you’ll need to sign in with a Google account.

6. Permission to view or edit

The permissions you have for a Sheet file will depend on who created it and what rights they have given you. Usually, the person who created the Sheet document will be the one with the most access rights. You may be in View Only mode or only be able to comment on the file but not edit or make changes. ..

If you want to be able to edit or type in Sheets, you’ll need to contact the creator or administrator. You can do this by emailing them or clicking the “View only” button and sending them a request. ..

7. Extension conflicts

I use a few extensions that help me with work and other browsing activities. Sometimes some extensions can cause conflict. Open the Sheets file in Incognito mode and see if you can type or edit it. If yes then you have to disable all extensions / add-ons and re-enable them one by one to find the culprit.

You can enable half of the extensions at once, and then you can determine if the conflict is the result of which half and repeat the process (8> 4> 2> 1) until you get one left. Get an extension manager for your extensions, and it will make your life a lot easier.

8. Cache and data problem

Some users are reporting that they are having trouble using the Sheets app on their devices. Some say that they are getting an error message when they try to open the app, and others say that their data and cache files are causing the problem. The steps for fixing this vary depending on your browser or phone, but in general, you may need to clear your cache and data or uninstall and reinstall the app. ..

Clear browsing data will help to protect your privacy by deleting all the data that has been stored on your computer about the websites you have visited.

Cookies and other site data:

  • Choose ‘Cookies and other site data’ in the Advanced tab to see all the cookies that your site sets.
  • You can also choose a time range to see cookies from different periods of time.
  • Keep in mind that performing this process will log you out of all sites and services open in the browser.
  • Save everything before continuing.

Can you log back into your Google account and open the Sheets file? ..

Open the Sheets app and go to the “Apps” tab. Scroll down and click on the “Android” app. Click on the “Manage apps” button. In the “Apps” tab, scroll down and click on the “Sheets app.”

Clear data and select both options one by one. Sign in again and check if you can type or edit in Sheets.


Google Sheets is a great tool until it doesn’t work. There are solutions to fixing the errors, but they are quite easy to follow. If you found another way to fix the errors, please share it with us in the comments below.

Are you a small business owner? Here are 11 Google Sheets templates for business owners to help you manage different aspects of your business.

Fix ‘Google Sheets Won’t Let Me Type or Edit Error’ Issue: benefits


Final note

If you’re having trouble editing or typing in Google Sheets, there may be an issue with your account. In this guide, we’ll show you how to fix the problem and keep your data safe. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us in the comments below or on our Facebook page. Thanks for reading! ..

If you have any queries about the Fix ‘Google Sheets Won’t Let Me Type or Edit Error’ Issue, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Our Contact: Kindly use our contact page for any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off).