Guide: Fix ‘Tum­blr Blogs Open Only on Dashboard’ Issue

Tumblr’s dashboard is a great way to stay up-to-date on your favorite blogs, but it can be frustrating when you try to access them from the main dashboard. Instead, they open in a separate window, which is strange and unnecessary. ..

Tumblr is a great platform for sharing your thoughts and ideas, but it can be difficult to access some of its features when you’re not logged in. That’s where the workaround comes in – by using a third-party app, you can open most of the blogs from your dashboard without having to sign in. However, there are also times when you need to use Tumblr’s official site – for example, if you want to view all of the blog posts from a specific day or week.

Blogs open in separate tabs.

Tumblr is changing how its users browse blogs by loading them in a sidebar on the right side of the screen instead of the left. ..

This is a problem on blogs where the sidebar is small and unresponsive, as it can be difficult to spend quality time reading posts.

Tumblr doesn’t allow you to toggle between blogs on the main screen, so you’ll need to use a different method to view them.

Tumblr’s new tab management system is a great way to keep your tabs organized and focused. You can easily open new tabs from the dashboard, and forget about manually inserting URLs into new tabs.

Open in new tab

If you’re not familiar with how to open a new tab, here’s how: right-click on the Tumblr username or avatar and select Open Link in New Tab.

Remember that the new tab will open in the browser’s background, so you have to switch to the appropriate tab from your dashboard afterwards.

Mouse and keyboard shortcuts

If you’re having trouble opening links in new tabs, try using the middle mouse button on the scroll bar and clicking the tab that corresponds to the link you want to open. This will open the link in a new tab without dealing with menus.

Touchpads offer a unique way to click and tap, which is usually a click or tap with three fingers.

To achieve the same effect as using the left mouse button and the Ctrl key, combine the left mouse button with the Ctrl key.

Use Chrome extensions

Chrome is a popular browser and extensions like Click to Tab and Long Press New Tab make it easy to open Tumblr blogs in new tabs without relying on alternative mouse buttons or keyboard combinations.

New Tab

Chrome extensions can be easily enabled or disabled on your Tumblr account by opening the Chrome menu and clicking Extensions.

The Tumblr Long Press New Tab extension reveals a wealth of features and offers the ability to make your own mouse movements. Why not create a unique extension for the platform that showcases these features?

Blogs always opening on the dashboard.

This is because the Tumblr blogosphere is a collaborative network of blogs that share a common URL, which is usually the username of the blogger. When you try to open a Tumblr blog in a new tab, your browser might not be able to find that URL and it will just show you the homepage.

Hidden blogs are not common, so you’ll have to deal with it when you come across one. However, if you have a hidden blog with a large following, consider making it easier for your visitors by removing the restriction using the steps below. ..

Step 2: Click on the “Account Settings” tab. Step 3: In the “Account Details” section, enter your Tumblr username and password. Step 4: Click on the “Create Account” button.

Step 3: Click on the “Create Blog” button. Step 4: Enter your blog’s name and a description. Step 5: Click on the “Create Blog” button again.

To make your blog more visible to search engines, scroll down to the Visibility section and turn off the toggle next to the Hide your blog name option. This will make your blog easier to find when people are searching for information about blogs in specific categories or topics. ..

If you want to blog on Tumblr, open the blog in a new tab and then sign in. If you’re not logged in, the blog will be loaded for visitors who do not have a Tumblr account or are not logged in.

There you go!

Tumblr has introduced a new feature on its dashboard that allows users to open blogs normally. This is an unusual move by Tumblr, as most other social media platforms have moved away from the traditional blog layout. However, if you need to view a blog normally, you can do so without having to open it on the dashboard. ..

The dashboard is a great way to see what’s going on with your account, but it’s not always easy to get around the restrictions. You can try changing your password or using the admin tools to make your blogs visible, but they might not work. It’s worth a try!

Fix ‘Tum­blr Blogs Open Only on Dashboard’ Issue: benefits


Final note

If you’re having trouble opening your Tumblr blog on the dashboard, this guide will help. ..

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