How to Block/Unblock Sites in Safari With Using Mac Screen Time – Guide

The web can be both a blessing and an injury. From one perspective, it allows us to do the work we do and access the abundance of human information. However, this can also keep us busy with our goals and can make us feel like we’re wasting our lives.

In recent years, there has been a renewed focus on the issue of restricting access to the web. How can we ensure that our children are safe and have the opportunity to learn? What does stopping time-wasting sites like Facebook and YouTube mean for a cutting-edge work environment? Why do we have to limit ourselves to website blockers in order to oppose enticements and interruptions?

Each of these are substantial surveys that we’ll investigate below, as well as showing you the most ideal ways to block sites that seem to have your consideration all day.

How to Block websites on Mac using screen time

The new Screen Time feature in macOS Catalina and macOS Big Sur lets you control how much time your Mac spends on different tasks. If your Mac is running an older version, you won’t be able to use the feature. ..

How to restrict access to websites on a Mac using Screen Time:

  1. Open the Screen Time app on your Mac.
  2. Select the website you want to block from the list of available websites.
  3. Click the “Block Website” button next to the website.
  4. Enter your password if required and click “Block Website” again. ..

In System Preferences, select the “Keyboard” tab and then the “Language” tab. In the Language tab, select Spanish. Click on the “Language” button in the bottom left corner of System Preferences and then click on the “Spanish” button to change your language to Spanish.

In this article, I am going to talk about how screen time is affecting our daily lives and how we can use it to improve our productivity. First and foremost, screen time should not be seen as a negative thing. In fact, it can actually be a very positive thing for our daily lives. When we spend more time on screens than we do in other areas of our lives, we are able to get more done. This is because screens provide us with opportunities to learn new things, watch movies or TV shows, and work on projects that are important to us. However, there are some things that you need to keep in mind when using screens time wisely. First and foremost, you should not use screens time for entertainment purposes only. This means that you should not watch movies or TV shows that are too loud or too long. Instead, try to find content that is interesting and will help you learn something new. Second, you should not use screens time for work purposes only. In fact, this is the most important rule of all! If you use screens time for work purposes only, then you will likely end up working longer hours than necessary and will not have enough rest between shifts. This will lead to problems with your productivity the next day and throughout the week. Instead, try to combine screens time with other activities such as exercise or reading books outside of work hours so that you can get a good amount of rest without having to spend all day on your computer screen!

In the next window, click on the Content and Privacy option located on the left side. In the meantime, if content and privacy restrictions are disabled, enable them by clicking ‘Enable.

Now choose the Limit adult websites option and click Customize to automatically block multiple adult websites that are in Apple’s database. ..

In the Restricted section at the bottom, click the (+) icon.

Please enter the website URL to block or restrict viewing and click OK. However, you can add as many websites as you wish. After doing this, visit the website by launching the Safari browser, you will not be able to access it.

Finally, one more time, click OK. ..

Unblock websites on Mac using screen time

System Preferences > Screen Time. This window allows you to manage how much time you spend on your computer. ..

This page provides information about how to protect your personal information.

Customize your Limit adult websites settings to ensure that you have the most restrictive adult website options available.

Restricted: The (-) icon at the bottom of the Restricted section means that this website is blocked.

After clicking OK, you will be prompted to enter a new password. Enter the new password and click OK to save changes. ..

Block a website using Terminal

If you’re using an older version of Mac, such as macOS Mojave or earlier, it’s best to block certain websites on your Mac using the Terminal app.

Open Terminal. Type “sudo” and press enter. You can now use the Terminal app to change a few things.

grep -v ‘^.*$’ /etc/passwd This will grep through the contents of the /etc/passwd file, looking for any matches that match the given string.

The administrator password is “password”. ..

After successfully entering the password, the hosts file will be accessed by Terminal. ..

Create a new line by pressing the up or down arrow button and enter the IP “” + “Space” + “URL or website address”. And enter another URL or website address following the same steps.

When you have made the list of sites or URLs, you can save the hosts file by pressing Ctrl + O and then pressing the Return button. Finally, press Ctrl + X to exit the screen.

Final note

How to Block/Unblock Sites in Safari With Using Mac Screen Time If you’re using Safari on your Mac, there are a few ways to block or unblock sites. This guide will show you how to do it in the most efficient way possible.

  1. Open Safari and sign in with your Apple ID and password.
  2. In the top left corner of the main screen, click on the three lines that look like a triangle. This will take you to your Preferences window.
  3. In the Preferences window, click on the Security tab.
  4. On the Security tab, click on the three lines that look like a square. This will take you to your Content Security Policy window.
  5. On the Content Security Policy window, click on the two lines that look like a check mark next to “Block all sites by default.” This will make Safari block all websites by default, including those from blocked sources (like Google). If you want to allow some sites to be blocked by default, change this setting to “Only allow some sites.”