How to fix ‘Insta­gram Search His­to­ry Won’t Clear’ issue – Guide

There is a good part and a bad part to social media search. The good thing is that it shows the latest searches you’ve done, and if you want to revisit that profile or hashtag in the future, you can use history instead of searching again. The downside is that every time you tap the search bar, it shows your search history.

Instagram is a social media platform where users can share photos and videos. Recently, there have been concerns about inappropriate search suggestions being displayed to users. If you don’t want this to happen, you can delete your search history and suggestions on Instagram. In this tutorial, we will show you how to do this on iOS and Android. ..

How to Fix ‘Instagram search history doesn’t clear’ issue

restart your Phone

It may not seem relevant to your problem, but sometimes all you need to fix the error is restart your phone. If it only takes a few seconds, it’s probably all you need to fix the problem.

Log out of Instagram

Tap “Edit Profile” Select “Add New Profile” Enter your name and email address Select “Create New Profile”

To open the multitasking bar, tap the three horizontal bars at the top of your screen. This will open a list of all of your open apps. To close an app, drag it to the bottom of the list and release it when it’s close to the bottom. ..

When you log out of your account, you will be asked to choose a password. To keep your account secure, we recommend choosing a strong password.

To log into your account, you will need to enter your username and password. ..

Clear Instagram cache

Instagram users have reported that clearing the cache through File Manager has fixed the problem with disappearing posts and stories. If clearing the cache doesn’t work, then users can try resetting their account password. ..

Uninstall Instagram

Instagram is a great app that you should keep using. However, if your Instagram history doesn’t clear, you can uninstall the app and reinstall it on your device. You can uninstall the app from Google Play Store and click “Install” to reinstall it on your device. If you’re using the iPhone, hold the Instagram app option for a brief moment until it starts to shake, then select the little “X” icon that appears at the top of the screen. Here it is!

Hide Profiles

There is a good chance that your search history will be cleared after following the tips, but if you still notice some profile icons appearing up in search history, your last resort is to hide these profiles from your search history. Go to your search history, hold the profile you want to hide and select “hide”.

Final note

If you’re having trouble clearing Instagram search history, here’s a guide on how to fix the issue. If you have any questions about this article, feel free to ask us in the comments. Additionally, please share this article with your friends to help spread the word! ..