How to Configure and Run Nginx on Ubuntu – Guide

Nginx is one of the most popular web servers on the planet. It powers some of the best websites on the internet, including Netflix,, and many more. In fact, we even use Nginx to manage our own website. ..

Nginx is one of the fastest and most lightweight web servers. This is due, in part, to the unusual way it handles requests. Apache’s more experienced approach uses strings to handle the demands. ..

Nginx is a popular web server that can be used as an opposite proxy, load balancer, mail broker, or HTTP store.

system requirements

For this tutorial, we will use the following:

  1. We will use the following:
  2. We will use the following:
  3. We will use the following:
  4. For this tutorial, we will use the following:
  5. We will use the following:
  6. We will use the following:

A ServerMania Hybrid or Dedicated Server is a server that combines the features of both a web server and a dedicated server. This allows you to run multiple websites on one server, without having to worry about which website is used when.

Ubuntu 20.04 is a new operating system released by Canonical, Inc. It is a Debian-based Linux distribution that supports multiple GPUs and high-definition video playback. It has been designed for use with Nvidia GeForce GTX graphics cards and AMD Radeon HD graphics cards.

512 MB of RAM is the maximum amount of memory that a computer can have.

2GB of disk space is enough for most people to store their files on.

ServerMania offers a range of traffic-based hosting options that are designed to meet the needs of different websites. For an up-to-date list, please visit their website. To host Ubuntu 20.04 on a ServerMania server, see the following guide: ..

Configure Ubuntu 20.04

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-server This will install Ubuntu Server on your computer.

SSH keys can be used to perform a passwordless login.

Create a new user and grant the relevant administrator privileges to that user. Use a strong password for the new user.

sudo adduser -G sudo -u user This will add the user sudo to the sudo group.

ssh user@server To log out, use the following command: logout ..

Install Nginx (Ubuntu 20.04)

Ubuntu 20.04 comes with two package managers: apt and apt-get. You need to update the package manager first if you’re upgrading from a previous version of Ubuntu. ..

Update the package manager to the latest compatible version.

Nginx is a web server that helps you serve web pages. You can use the apt or apt-get package manager to install Nginx.

To install Ngnix, you will need to prefix all commands that require admin privileges with sudo.

sudo apt-get install nginx

To test whether Nginx is working properly or not, you will need to configure your operating system firewall to allow access to Nginx. ..

Configure Firewall for Nginx

The most common tool used to define input and output rules in iptables is called a hassle-free firewall or ufw.

To ensure that the Nginx web server is installed and configured properly, install it manually. After following the steps below, you can set up the firewall. ..

Is the computer working properly?

HTTP traffic and recheck the status:

If you want to be able to log into the machine again, you can allow traffic over TCP (OpenSSH) as well. ..

If the status was inactive when you checked it earlier, enable it and reload the page.

Do you want to apply the changes or not?

If you disable TCP traffic or add an OpenSSH deny rule in your firewall, you will not be able to log in to the machine again.

Nginx is a powerful web server that can be used to improve the performance and security of your website. This article discusses some important Nginx commands for administration and management. ..

Nginx Installation and Management

Nginx is up and running. ..

systemctl start nginx systemctl stop nginx systemctl restart nginx

The Nginx configuration file can be found in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. If you make changes to the configuration, you can restart the Nginx server or reload the configuration file. ..

Whenever possible, use the reload command instead of the restart command to keep your Nginx connections active.

Configure Server Blocks

ServerMania provides a wide variety of servers, most of which are used on the LAMP Stack. To install the LAMP stack on ServerMania servers, see our guide on How to Quickly set up your own server. ..

  1. Create a new Nginx server block in your Nginx configuration: server { listen 80; listen 443; }
  2. Add the following line to your Nginx server’s start file: server_name;;; # If you want to define more than one domain on the same Nginx server, you need to follow these steps: # 1) Create a new Nginx server block in your Nginx configuration and add the following line to it: # 2) Add the following line to your Nginx server’s start file: # 3) Start the Nginx server

/var/www/html /www /sites-available /1

The html subdirectory on the website contains all of the content hosted on the website. Create html subdirectories for both of your domains. ..

This will allow the user to create and edit the content of these new directories, without having to worry about who owns the directories in question.

To modify permissions for both site directories:

  1. Log in to and create a new directory called “site_permissions”
  2. Rename the existing “site_permissions” directory to “domain_permissions”
  3. Add the following permissions to the new “domain_permissions” directory: -rw-r–r– 1 root root 7 Jan 14 17:12 site_permissions -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 14 17:12 domain_permissions

Welcome to both domains’ index.html landing pages! This page will provide you with basic information about each site, including their domain name and contact information.

Once the editor is open, paste the following into the editor: The editor is open, so paste in the following:

  1. Save the index.html file for the first domain and create a similar one for the second domain. Be sure to change the welcome message.
  2. Copy the index.html file from one domain to another, and make sure to change the welcome message on each copy. ..

First, we need to create a new server block. To do this, open up the /etc/nginx/sites-available directory and create a new file called “server1”. Next, copy the default server block from the /etc/nginx/sites-available directory to your new file. Be sure to change the name of the file to match your server’s name (in this case, “server1”). Now that we have our new server block, let’s configure it. Open up your new server block in your favorite text editor and add the following lines of code: server { listen 80 ; # This is where we will tell Nginx which port our website will be served on location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080 ; } } The first line tells Nginx to listen on port 80 for requests. The second line tells Nginx that any requests going to http://localhost:8080 should be handled by our proxy. ..

Copy the default file and create the second server block on the first server.

Mark one of the two servers as the default.

You can only have a single default server with the default_server option enabled. Remove it from one of the server blocks.

Enable server blocks and restart Nginx:

server { listen 443; }

restart Nginx:

You can enable server blocks by creating symbolic links from server block configuration files to the site-enabled directory. This will allow you to easily enable server blocks on your website without having to edit any files.

Nginx will start serving requests from both domains for their respective blocks received on port 80.

To test the changes, you can try visiting both domains and see if the index.html content renders correctly. After installing Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04, you are now ready to test the changes! ..

Final note

Nginx is a popular web server that can be used to serve web pages. This guide will show you how to configure and run Nginx on Ubuntu. If you have any query or question about this article, please do not hesitate to ask us. Additionally, please share this article with your friends and family so they may also benefit from it.