How to Con­nect Yee­l­ight with Google Assistant and Google Home – Guide

Most people turn on their lights using the traditional switch by default. But there is a more convenient path, especially for young people who are not tall enough to reach the counter. You can control smart light bulbs with the Google Voice assistant that runs on your phone or smart speaker. ..

Google’s AI-enabled voice assistant can do many things like: -Call your mom -Make an appointment -Start a timer -Play/pause music or movies When defined up with smart home Devices like smart light bulbs, thermostats, security cameras and Google Assistant can save you a lot of time.

How to connect Yeelight devices to Google Home and Google Assistant?

Open Google Home APPLICATION and sign in to your account. Then go to “Settings”.

In Assistant, press Home to control the app. ..

Under “Devices”, select “+” to add the device.

Yeelight is a popular light bulb brand that is available in many stores. ..

If you have an Mi account or Google account, please link them so that we can track your progress and see how you’re using Yeelight.

Your Google Home will be able to control all your Yeelight devices and scene setups.

Google has announced that its Google Home speaker and Google Assistants on Android and iOS can now be used together. This means that you can control your devices with your voice, just like you would with a regular speaker. ..

Final note

This guide will show you how to connect your Yee­l­ight with Google Assistant and Google Home. If you have any query about this article, you may ask us. Additionally, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.