How to Create Chart in MS Word – Guide
Microsoft Word’s stacked bar feature can be used to create a Gantt chart, but the software is not as flexible in terms of customization or regular updates as some other options.
If you need to build impressive Gantt charts and update them frequently for recurring presentations, PowerPoint can prove to be faster and more efficient. Below I will show how to create a Gantt chart manually in Word and automatically in PowerPoint. If you want to learn how to create a timeline in MS Word, check our timeline tutorial here.
Create chart or graph directly in Microsoft Word
To insert a chart or graph into your document, follow these steps:
- Open Microsoft Word and create a new document.
- Click the Insert tab on the ribbon and select Chart from the list of available tools.
- In the Chart dialog box, select the type of chart you want to insert (line, bar, pie, or scatterplot) and click OK.
- In the document window, position the chart where you want it and resize it as needed.
- To add data to your chart, click in any cell in your chart and type data into that cell or use one of Excel’s built-in formulas to calculate data automatically. To remove data from a cell, highlight that cell and press Delete (or Backspace on a PC). To change the color of a cell or range of cells, highlight those cells with your cursor and then click one of Excel’s color buttons (the three dots at the top left corner of each column). ..
Open the Microsoft Word program and start typing “Microsoft Word.”
In the ribbon bar at the top, click the Insert tab.
In the Graphics section, you will find a variety of images that can be used to illustrate your story. Some of these images may be copyrighted, so please contact the photographer if you want to use them without permission.
Once the Insert Chart window opens, select the type of chart or chart you want to create and click the OK button.
The selected chart or chart type provides a basic overview of the data in the document.
In Microsoft Word, a Graph window opens that looks like a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. In the spreadsheet window, add, remove, or modify columns and rows of data to include the data points and values you want your chart to display.
If you want to keep track of changes to data in a Microsoft Word spreadsheet, you can use the Chart or Graph tool to automatically update the data.
When you are finished modifying the chart, close the spreadsheet window. ..
If you need to update the chart data after closing the spreadsheet window, you can reopen the spreadsheet window by right-clicking on the chart and selecting the Edit Data option.
Create a chart or graph in Microsoft Excel and copy it to Microsoft Word
To create a chart or graph in Microsoft Word using the enhanced features of Excel, follow these steps:
- Open Microsoft Word and create a new document.
- Click on the Insert tab and select the Chart option from the drop-down menu.
- In the Chart window that opens, select the type of chart you want to create from the list on the left side of the window and then click on the OK button.
- In the text box that appears next to your chart, type in your data and then click on the OK button to close the text box and save your chart.
- To place your chart in a document, double-click on it or drag it into place where you want it to appear. ..
Open Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word programs and start working on a project.
To create a chart or graph in Microsoft Excel, follow these steps:
- Open Microsoft Excel and select the worksheet you want to use for your chart or graph.
- Click the Insert tab and select Chart from the list of available charts.
- In the Chart Type drop-down list, select a type of chart from the list (such as Pie or Line).
- In the Series Selection area, choose which series you want to include in your chart (if any).
- In the Axis Selection area, choose which axis you want to include in your chart (if any).
- Click OK to create your chart or graph. ..
Once the chart or chart is created and is ready to be placed in the Word document, select the entire chart in Excel. Right-click on the graph or graph and select the Copy option.
You can also press Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the graph or graph. ..
In the Word document, click on the graphic or graphic.
Right-click and select the Paste option to place a graphic or graphic in the document.
You can also paste the graph or graph by pressing Ctrl + V on the keyboard.
Final note
How to Create Chart in MS Word In this guide, we will be discussing how to create a chart in Microsoft Word. A chart is an important tool that can be used to communicate information and make decisions. A good chart will help you see your data in a more visual way and make better decisions. There are many different ways to create a chart in Microsoft Word. We will be using the Venn diagram as an example. The Venn diagram is a graphical representation of relationships between two or more objects or concepts. It is often used to show how similar or different groups of objects are related to each other. To create the Venn diagram, we first need to create some basic shapes. We can use any shapes we want, but we recommend using rectangles, circles, and squares because they are easy to understand and use when creating charts later on. We also recommend using the same color for all of our shapes so that they look consistent across all charts. Next, we need to add some basic data into our Venn diagram. We will use the number of customers and the price of their product as our data points. We can also use other types of data such as years or months if we want to include more than one data point per month or year. Finally, we can add any text or images that we want into our Venn diagram! Once our Venn diagram has been created, it is time to start creating our charts! First, we will select thechart type from the menu at the top of the window and then click ontheChart Type button next to it. Next, we will need to choose which axis(s) we would like our chart To focus on: The first axis should be called Price (or whatever you chose as its value), while the second axis should be called Customers (or whatever you chose as its value). Finally,wewillneedtoselectthelayout forourchart fromthemenu at