How to Create a New Instagram Location – Guide

Instagram is a social media platform that lets you share your latest journey with your followers. You can either show them off or tell them where you took that stunning skyline shot or where you had your most recent delicious dinner. Instagram also allows you to create locations, which can later be used in the photo app. If you can’t find your new location on Instagram, you may need to go back to Facebook on your phone or computer and declare it as your business.

How to Create a custom location tag on Instagram [Step-by-Step Instructions]

To get a custom place on Instagram, you need to login with Facebook. This means that if you want to use your new location on Instagram, you’ll need to log in with Facebook first. This is an excellent way to keep your Instagram account organized and accessible.

Step 1: check-in

If you’re not seeing any locations, make sure you check your Facebook settings. On the Facebook homepage, you should see a “Check-In” button located below the status bar. Click here and you will see a list of popular places near you. If you’re not seeing any locations, make sure you… ..

Step 2: Enable location services

To create a custom location, you need to enable location services on your device. You can do this by going to Settings > Privacy > Location Services and letting your Facebook app know your location.

If you don’t want your device to track your location, you can turn it off once you’re done setting up. ..

Step 3: Name Your Location

Once your GPS permissions are enabled, enter your custom location name (in most cases, you’ll want this to be your company name). Make sure you use capital letters and proper grammar – this is what people will see when they brand your business!

Step 4: Add your new location

The check-in screen for my flower shop, Beautiful Blossoming Buds, doesn’t populate with any other companies or places with that name.

The business name for this company is “My Name.”

Step 5: Choose a Category

After clicking “Add” button, you will be prompted to choose a category for your business. It is important to choose a precise category so that people can find your business when searching in your niche. For my example, I chose the Floristry category for my business, Beautiful Flower Buds.

Step 6: Choose a physical location

After choosing a category, the next step is to determine its approximate location. This process works best if you are using a mapping application or Google Maps. (I’ll cover this in more detail below.) ..

Step 7: Claim your location

Once you’ve found your location on Facebook, claim it and go! Creating a custom location is a super simple process with many benefits. Now, when you want to post a photo to Instagram, your new location must be available to tag and share.

Final note

Instagram is a social media platform where users can share photos and videos. It’s a great way to connect with friends and family, and it can be a great way to promote your business. This guide will show you how to create a new Instagram location. If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to ask us in the comments section below. Additionally, please share this article with your friends so they can learn how to create new Instagram locations too! ..