Guide: How to Dis­able Down­load Shelf in Chrome Browser

Google Chrome’s download shelf has not seen the same visual overhauls as other parts of the browser, and is still a bit cluttered and outdated. It could use some work to make it more user-friendly and modern.

However, if you’re looking for a more hands-free way to download files, Chrome is not the best browser for you.

So, we’ve come up with a solution: a download manager that hides the download shelf and only shows you the files you need.

Chrome’s built-in download manager is a bit of a pain when you’re trying to download a file. But there are ways to disable it without having to use Chrome’s extensions. Here are some tips:

  1. Open Chrome and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the window. This will show you a list of tools that Chrome has built in.
  2. On the left side of this list, you’ll find the “Tools” tab. This is where you can find extensions that disable Chrome’s built-in download manager.
  3. To disable Chrome’s built-in download manager, open one of these extensions and click on the “Disable” button at the bottom of the extension window.

Expansions for the rescue

  1. Download and Install an Extension to Disable the Download Shelf
  2. Get an Extension to Disable the Download Shelf on Chrome
  3. Use an Extension to Disable the Download Shelf on Chrome

Chrome is a web browser developed by Google. In the future, updates to Chrome or a lack of developer support may cause certain extensions to stop working. If you’re using an extension that’s not working, please disable and then re-enable it. ..

Turn off the download bar

Chrome users can now disable the download bar by installing the Disable Download Bar extension. The extension will keep the download shelf from appearing on Chrome, no matter what.

Disable the download bar on your browser so you can’t be prompted to download things you don’t want.

Disable and hide the download bar extension icon on Chrome to make it more user-friendly.

To hide an extension from Chrome, right-click on it and then select Hide.


AutoHideDownloadsBar is an extension that completely disables the download shelf once you are done installing. However, it includes a few extra options you can use to customize how the extension works. And they are worth checking out. ..

The extension options in the Extensions tab of the Options dialog box are self-explanatory. You can tweak them to your liking by playing with the various options.

You can show the download shelf up shortly for the duration of a download and then let it close automatically.

Close the download bar

Chrome provides a shortcut to hide the download shelf whenever you want.

Close download bar is a tool that helps you to keep your downloads as short as possible.

After installing the extension, press the Alt + W shortcut to remove the download shelf from your computer. This will make it easier to close the download shelf and avoid having to point the cursor at it every time you want to close it. If you don’t mind the download shelf and want to keep using it, then this extension should make it less of a hassle to deal with.

You can also change the shortcut to include other keys of your choice. To do so, click the extension icon – in the floating window that appears up, click Change. You can then add any key combination that you can then use to close the download bar.

Turn off the download shelf in incognito mode

To use any of the above extensions in Chrome’s incognito mode, you will need to make a small configuration for the extension’s settings. Otherwise, you cannot disable or hide the download shelf while browsing privately. ..

In Chrome, open the context menu and select Manage Extensions. Scroll through the list of options and turn off the switch next to Allow in incognito. That should make the extension functional in incognito mode.

Get rid of annoyance

Now that you’ve disabled the download shelf, you won’t be bothered with it every time you download a file. Remember, you can still access the built-in Chrome download manager to manage your downloads at any time – please bring up the Chrome menu, then click Downloads. I bet you already know that.

Chrome’s download manager can be quickly accessed by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J, or by setting the AutoHideDownloadsBar extension to automatically activate the download manager when it is opened. ..

In Google Chrome, you can unblock certain downloads by default by changing the settings. To do this, open Chrome and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the window. On the left side of the window, you will see a list of tools. The first tool is called “Settings.” On this page, you can change many things about Chrome. The second tool is called “History.” On this page, you can see how often each download has been downloaded and how long it has been active. The third tool is called “Downloads.” This page shows all of the downloads that have been blocked by Google Chrome.

How to Dis­able Down­load Shelf in Chrome Browser: benefits


Final note

How to Disable Down­load Shelf in Chrome Browser If you use Chrome browser, then you are likely using it for its fast and secure browsing experience. However, some people might find the down­load history of websites to be a bit too cumbersome. To disable the down­load history in Chrome browser, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open chrome://flags and set the following flag to “disable”: chrome://flags/enable/disable-download-history

If you have any questions about disabling the download shelf in Chrome browser, please comment below or contact us directly. This guide is for educational purposes only. If you want to correct any misinformation about this guide, please contact us. If you want to add an alternate method to this guide, please contact us. Our contact page is here for any help you may need. You can also use our social and accounts pages to follow us on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We answer questions within 24-48 hours (weekend off). ..