How to Turn Off Facebook Comments – Guide

Facebook is a social media platform that allows users to share photos, videos, texts and more about their lives. Facebook has helped connect many people who may be in far corners of the world. If you live in Canada and your friend lives in Thailand, you can still keep up update each other’s happenings with the help of everything you share on Facebook.

Since Facebook is a public forum, anyone can post anything they want about others on the site. This can lead to hurtful and hateful comments being made about others. ..

When you post something on your company page, a vindictive person can provide scathing (but false) negative feedback that can turn other potential customers off. To prevent such unwanted incidents from happening, it is important to know how to hide comments on facebook.

Facebook is notorious for limiting users’ ability to customize their interactions. For example, hiding comments is not an easy task. This means that users need to be creative in order to take control of their privacy and content. ..

How to turn off comments on a Facebook group post

To disable comments on a Facebook group post, just click on the three dot icon in the upper right corner of the post. From the options that appear up, tap “Disable comments”. Comments will now be disabled. ..

How to hide posts by a particular person or persons

Click here to hide your posts from friends except for those you specify.

How to hide comments containing certain words on your profile

To hide comments containing specific words on your Facebook profile, you can generate a custom list of up to 1,000 words. If someone uses one or more of these words in a comment, the comment will be automatically hidden. ..

In Facebook’s “Settings and Privacy” section, you can change how your data is shared with Facebook. You can choose to share your data with Facebook, or keep it private.

In the “Settings” menu, select “Privacy.”

Now select “Profile and tagging” from the left menu.

In the “Viewing and Sharing” section, under the “Comments” tab, you can hide comments containing certain words on your profile.

You can choose to hide words, phrases or emojis from your profile.

You can now see a list of words that are similar to your undesirable words. Click on any of the similar words to see a list of definitions and examples. ..

If someone comments on any of your Facebook posts and uses one of these words or phrases, the comment will be hidden from you and everyone else. Only the person who posted the comment will still be able to see it.

Final note

How to Turn Off Facebook Comments ..