How to Disable Microsoft Teams in Windows 11 – Guide

Microsoft has released a new user interface that includes a revised taskbar integration and several new features. One of the new features is the ability to open team chat using the Windows 11 keyboard shortcut, Windows Key + C. If you’re not a fan of chat integration, there’s an easy way to disable it on your computer now.

  1. Hide the new Microsoft Teams flyout by right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting “Hide Taskbar Items”.
  2. Hide the new Microsoft Teams flyout by using the following command: netsh winmgmts set hidden “Microsoft Teams”

Disable Microsoft Teams chat icon in Windows 11 taskbar

Microsoft has released an incremental update to the Insider channel that includes a new chat icon on the Windows 11 taskbar. Tapping on it opens a floating interface with the option to chat with friends and family. You can also press Win + C to open it. ..

Microsoft Teams Chat is a new chat app that goes well with the Windows 11 interface and will soon have a video calling option. However, it has always been considered a corporate and commercial product until now and may not be actively used by those around you.

If you do not want to use the Microsoft Teams platform, you can hide the icon from the taskbar by hiding it or by uninstalling it.

Directly from the taskbar

  1. Right-click on the Microsoft Teams Chat icon in the taskbar and select “Hide in taskbar.”
  2. Click on the “Show in taskbar” button to restore the icon. ..

Click the “Settings” button. Under “General,” click the “Chat Appearance” button. Select the color you want for your chat window. ..

This is a hidden feature in Windows 10 that allows you to hide the taskbar from view. ..

The icon will disappear from the taskbar area if the user is not logged in.

Through taskbar settings

To remove the chat icon from the taskbar, follow these steps:

  1. Open system settings by clicking the Start button, typing “system settings” in the search box, and pressing Enter.
  2. Click on “Personalization” in the left column.
  3. Under “Taskbar,” click on “Toolbars and buttons.”
  4. In the “Toolbars and buttons” window, click on the “Chat” tab.
  5. Under “Chat,” uncheck the box next to “Show chat icon on taskbar.”
  6. Click OK to save your changes. ..

Open the “Open Settings” button on your Windows 11 PC.

In Taskbar Settings, you can change the following: -The color of the taskbar. -The font size of the taskbar. -The background color of the taskbar.

Disable the toggle button for Chat on this computer.

Uninstall Microsoft Teams

To uninstall Microsoft Teams on a PC, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Start menu and type “cmd” (without the quotes).
  2. Type “netstat -an” and press Enter.
  3. The “netstat -an” output will show you the status of all network connections on your PC. If there is a Microsoft Teams connection listed, it will be highlighted in blue. If there is not a Microsoft Teams connection listed, the output will be empty.
  4. To uninstall Microsoft Teams, click on the link in the “netstat -an” output and follow the prompts to uninstall it.

Open the “Open Settings” button on your Windows 11 PC.

In the left sidebar, you’ll find a list of apps. You can select one to open.

On the next screen, tap Apps and features. On the next screen, tap Apps and features. You can find a list of all of your installed apps and features on this screen. ..

To uninstall the app, tap the three-dot menu and click Uninstall. ..

Final note

Disable Microsoft Teams in Windows 11 In order to disable Microsoft Teams in Windows 11, you will need to use the following steps:

  1. Open the Start Menu and type “cmd” into the search bar.
  2. When the command prompt is displayed, type “netstat -a” and press Enter.
  3. The netstat -a output will show you a list of all active TCP/IP connections on your computer. You can use this information to determine which services are using Microsoft Teams and which ones should be disabled. To disable Microsoft Teams, you will need to find and remove its connection from the list. To do this, you will need to use the following command: netstat -a | grep ‘Microsoft Teams’