How to Get System Information With uname Command in Linux – Guide

The uname command is a powerful tool that can be used to extract system information from various systems. Whether you are a developer working on a script that requires kernel information or an ordinary user curious about your operating system, the uname command is a valuable tool to have at your disposal.

Linux is a Unix-like operating system that is used on many computers around the world. It has a number of features that make it an attractive choice for many purposes, including system administration. One of the most important aspects of system administration is knowing how to print critical system-related information. This information can include things like the name of the operating system, its version, and any security updates that have been released. To print this information, you first need to know how to use uname. uname -a will print out all of the information that it contains about your computer. This includes everything from its name to its version number. If you want to print out just some specific information, you can use -v or –version options. These will output only the data that has been changed since the last time uname was run. If you want to print out all of this data, you can use uname -a -v or –version .

What is the uname command?

Linux uname -a Windows uname -w

git clone This command clones the repository from GitHub to your local computer.

-O flag to enable output -N flag to disable output

The kernel name is the name of the operating system kernel that is used by your computer.

The -a flag with uname provides all information about the kernel and operating system.

splitting the output

The fields in the output are: -Country -Region -City -Phone Number Country: United States of America Region: Midwest City: Chicago Phone Number: 312-555-1212

Linux is a Unix-like operating system, released in 1991, that is used on many computers. It is free and open source software. Kali Linux is a Debian-based distribution that has been specifically designed for penetration testing and security research.

Android version: the Android version of your device. In this case, the Android version is 4.4.2. Security patch level: the security patch level of your device. In this case, the security patch level is October 1, 2017. ..

The second field is reserved for the system’s hostname. Most Linux distributions allow a user to configure the hostname at installation time. Since this is a Kali Linux installation, the system’s default hostname is kali.

The next field indicates the kernel version. In the above output, you can see that the kernel version is 5.10.0-kali7-amd64. Operating system: The operating system is Kali Linux, which is a Debian-based distribution. The operating system is Kali Linux, which is a Debian-based distribution. Processor: The processor type is an AMD Ryzen 7 8-core Processor with Radeon RX Vega Graphics (2x8GB). The processor type is an AMD Ryzen 7 8-core Processor with Radeon RX Vega Graphics (2x8GB). Memory: The amount of memory installed on the computer is 16GB. ..

The version of the Linux kernel installed on your computer. In this case, the kernel version is #1 SMP Debian 5.10.28-1kali1 (2021-04-12). System Uptime: The time since your last boot or system shutdown, in UTC. The time since your last boot or system shutdown, in UTC. CPU Usage: The percentage of CPU time used by the Linux kernel and all running processes. The percentage of CPU time used by the Linux kernel and all running processes. Memory Usage: The amount of memory (in MB) currently used by the Linux kernel and all running processes. ..

The hardware name is your system’s CPU architecture. In the aforementioned output, x86_64 is the hardware name. Intel Core i7-7700K Processor: The Intel Core i7-7700K Processor is a high-end desktop processor that was released in early 2017. It has six cores and eight threads, making it a powerful choice for gaming and other demanding tasks. ..

The operating system name is GNU/Linux.

Uname does not display fields such as the processor type and system hardware platform because the information corresponding to these fields is unknown to the command. ..

Display individual information using uname

-Uname -a flag -Fmt_printf -printf function -Sys_stat -sysctl function

linux -o name

  1. uname -a
  2. uname -r
  3. uname -s
  4. uname -u
  5. uname -v
  6. uname -x
  7. uname -y
  8. getent passwd ..

The machine hardware’s name is -m.

To get help and display the version information associated with uname, use the uname -h and uname -v flags respectively.

Linux is a Unix-like operating system that is freely distributed and open source. This means that anyone can access the Linux kernel code and modify it to suit their needs.

The Linux kernel is a complex and powerful software system that helps computers run smoothly. However, starting out with the Linux kernel can be difficult. Someone who is just starting out with the C programming language will need to gain extensive knowledge of development before starting to develop the Linux kernel.

Final note

How to Get System Information With uname Command in Linux In this guide, we will be looking at how to get system information with the uname command in Linux. This is a very important tool for system administrators and can be used to diagnose problems and troubleshoot systems. To get system information with the uname command, you will need to have the following installed: uname -a This command will give you a list of all the running systems on your computer. You can use this information to determine which ones are vulnerable to attack, identify hardware issues, or even track down specific applications and files.