How to Protect Your Ring Doorbell from Getting Stolen – Guide

Many people want to get their hands on doorbells, but this has led to an increase in the number of stolen doorbells. If you’re worried about it or if it happened to you, you might be curious about how to prevent this theft. To help prevent a Doorbell from being stolen, securely fasten it to the wall and invest in tamper-proof covers. Use linked devices to monitor on the go and always back up your data so you can have recordings of activities on your home. Finally, use a grid box to make sure your Ring device doesn’t get stolen.

How to Prevent a ring bell from being stolen

  1. Open the door and step through it.
  2. Open the door and push the button on your keypad to open it from the inside.
  3. Open the door from the outside by using a key fob or a code.

wear a protective cover

To secure your home, you can install a grid box or metal locking plate, which needs to be fixed to the frame or wall. ..

You can install the Ring bell in a stainless steel case, but you must make sure that the camera’s view is left unobstructed.

Ring offers a few different protective cases; however, their purpose is to protect the doorbell from the elements and not as anti-theft protection. ..

attach to wall

The Ring bell is a great way to improve your home security. By attaching the Ring bell directly to the wall, you can increase your chances of getting an answer when you need it.

This is a great feature because attaching the bell directly to the plaster will make it very difficult for anyone to steal it. Even if someone decides to steal your doorbell, it will be a very difficult and time-consuming task, something thieves avoid.

have an extra Camera

A backup plan is always a good idea, especially if you live in a place with high crime rates. Don’t just rely on your camera installed on your doorbell to keep your home safe; install an extra pair of eyes on the front window or somewhere safe where you can monitor the front door.

display a signal

The University of Newcastle study found that displaying posters with verbal messages informing people that they are being watched or with an image of observers reduced bicycle theft by more than 50%. ..

The security guard on duty noticed that someone had broken into the building and stole the bell. He put up a small, easily visible sign that will let any potential thief know the area is being monitored. This will help to deter them from stealing the bell in the first place.

Keep an eye on your notifications

You can set up your Ring doorbell to send you notifications when someone rings the doorbell or gets close enough to trigger their motion sensors. This way, you’ll always know when something is happening, no matter where you are. ..

If you’re not sure whether or not to ignore notifications from your doorbell, it may be a good idea to do so. Notifications can help protect your doorbell from being broken or stolen, and just hearing your voice may be enough to scare off some thieves.

Final note

If you’re like most homeowners, you probably think your ring doorbell is one of the most secure pieces of security hardware in your home. But what if someone wanted to steal it? This guide will show you how to protect your ring doorbell from theft, so you can rest assured that it’s always there to let you know when someone’s at the door. In case you have any questions about this article, feel free to reach out to us. And don’t forget to share this guide with your friends so they can stay safe too! ..