How to Move Playlists from Google Play Music to YouTube Music – Guide
Google plans to shut down Play Music, but is giving users the option to transfer their music libraries and playlists to YouTube Music. The company began inviting Play Music users to migrate to the new music platform and use it to transfer their music libraries, personal taste preferences and playlists.
“We want to ensure that everyone has time to stream their content and get used to YouTube Music. So we’ll let you know in good time before users no longer have access to Google Play Music later this year,” YouTube said in a blog post. Google Play Music users will soon receive an email with detailed instructions on how to transfer Google Play Music history and content to YouTube Music. ..
How to transfer your data and music: from Google Play Music to YouTube Music
The YouTube Music app is a great way to listen to your favorite music from YouTube. You can search for songs by artist, song title, or channel. You can also add your own music to the playlist and share it with your friends.
YouTube Music is a music streaming app that you can use to listen to your favorite songs and albums.
Settings → Profile Picture → Tap your profile picture
You will be able to transfer your Play Music history, playlists, and uploads to a new account. ..
Please enter your email address to receive notification when the transfer is complete.
YouTube Music is a new feature that will show you updated recommendations based on your likes and dislikes. The screen will also start showing recommended playlists based on what you’ve watched recently.
You can visit to buy music from YouTube stars and other artists.
Here’s what’s included in the download: From Google Play Music to YouTube Music
-Your current playlists -Your past playlists -The songs you’ve added to your library -The songs you’ve removed from your library can be accessed on any device that has Google Play Music installed. You can also use the “My Library” section in the Google Play Music app on your phone or tablet to access your library. ..
Your songs are now available for purchase on iTunes and other digital platforms.
Your playlists and many stations make it easy to find what you’re looking for.
If you have a music library, you can add albums and songs to it. ..
What songs do you like and dislike?
Your billing information for your subscription, if you’re a Spotify subscriber.
Final note
How to Move Playlists from Google Play Music to YouTube Music If you’re a music lover who loves to keep track of your favorite songs and albums on Google Play Music and YouTube Music, then you’ll want to move your playlists over to the latter service. Here’s how:
- Log into your Google account and open the “Accounts” page. This will show you all of your current accounts, including YouTube Music. If you don’t have an account on YouTube Music yet, sign in here.
- Scroll down until you find the “Playlists” section and click on it. This will take you to a new page where you can create or edit playlists for both services. You can either type in a list of songs or albums that you want to move, or use the drag-and-drop feature to transfer them over quickly and easily.
- Once everything is set up correctly, hit “Create playlist” and name your new playlist whatever you like. You can also add any other items that are in your Google Play Music account (or in any other music service) so that they’ll be included in your new playlist as well.
- Click on “Edit playlist” at the bottom of the screen and enter some additional information about your new playlist: name, artist, album title, etc. Once everything is set up correctly, hit “Save.” Your new playlist will be added automatically to both services!