Telegram is a great social media platform for creating large groups. With the latest update, you can add up to 200,000 people in a single group. Administrator can constantly maintain group chat history and also add administrators with different rights. Telegram also has some features how to edit sent messages, pinned messages, hashtags, customization via bots, etc. Also, Telegram groups are better than WhatsApp or other app groups because you can get large files up to 1.5GB without large files size. You can add people in your Telegram group who are in your contact list, or you can use the Telegram group link to make people join the group.

To launch your Telegram home screen or application drawer, open the Settings app on your device and select “Telegram.” Then, log in to your account. ..

In your recent chat list, open one of your groups and click on the name of the group’s organizer. ..

The Tap the group icon or its header in the chat window to open its info page.

Add a new member to your organization.

If you want to invite someone to join a group, tap the “Invite to group via link” option.

You can choose whether you want to share the link with one of your apps or copy and send it to anyone you want to join. ..

Final note

How to obtain Telegram Group Link If you want to join a Telegram group, there are a few things you need to do. First, find the group’s website. This can be done by visiting the group’s website and looking for the “join” button. Once you’ve joined the group, you’ll need to create an account and password. You can also find the account and password on the group’s website. Once you have an account and password, it’s time to join the group! To join a Telegram group, click on its “join” button and enter your account and password. You’ll then be able to start talking with other members of the group!