How to Password-protect a PDF file on iPhone – Guide

iOS 15 includes a number of new features that may be helpful for iPhone users. One of these features is the ability to password protect important PDF documents. To do this, you must first create a new PDF file and then password protect it. To create a new PDF file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app and select General > Security > Password Protection.
  2. In the Password Protection field, enter a strong password and click OK.
  3. The new PDF file will now be password protected. To view or edit the document, you must first open it in an app that supports password protection (such as Safari or iCloud Drive) and then enter the strong password into the text field.

How to lock a PDF file with a password

Apple has just released a new update for its iPhone software, iOS 15. This update includes bug fixes and improvements, so be sure to download it and install it before your next trip to the Apple Store.

If you want to lock a PDF file that is available online, first open the Safari browser and navigate to the PDF file you want to lock in.

After archiving the PDF file, open it by tapping its thumbnail.

When you open the file, touch the Share icon in the lower left corner of the screen. ..

To block a PDF in your email, open the email and click on the ‘More’ button in the top right corner. From here, expand the ‘Settings’ section and select ‘Block PDFs’. You can then select which emails to block PDFs from and how long they will be blocked for. ..

You will now be able to access the file.

Your file will now be locked and password protected. To unlock it, you will need to provide a password.

How to open a locked PDF

To access a locked PDF, open the Files app and tap the PDF file’s thumbnail (marked with a lock icon) on the screen.

When you password protect a document, the screen will display “This document is password protected.” To access this file, start typing the password you previously set up for the file, then press the ‘Go’ key on your keyboard.

The PDF file has been locked and now you can perform different operations on it.

Can you unlock locked PDFs using the Files app?

We’ve checked the Files app for an option to unlock PDF files that are already locked on iOS 15, but that option isn’t available yet. What this means is that PDF files that you lock using the Files app on your iPhone will remain locked forever, and you won’t be able to unlock them from the Files app, at least for now. Locked PDF files can only be accessed after entering the password set for them and you will need to enter it each time you open the file on iOS. ..

Why can’t I lock a PDF in files?

To lock a PDF file on iOS 15, you first need to open the PDF in the app. After that, tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. From here, you can select “Lock PDF” and enter your passcode to secure the document. ..

You can only block PDFs that are available on your iPhone and not those uploaded to your iCloud account. So make sure you only select files from your local storage. ..

If you’re using an iPhone 6 or later, you can’t use the ‘Block PDF’ option unless you install the latest version of iOS 15. This is an iOS 15-exclusive feature. ..

If you have locked a PDF file in the past, you will not be able to access it when you open your Share Sheet.

In iOS 15, Apple has made a number of changes to the way PDF files are locked. Previously, you had to use a password to lock a PDF file. In iOS 15, you can now use a code to lock a PDF file. This code is located in the document’s Info.plist file. To unlock a PDF file using this code, you must first create an account on the Apple App Store and enter the code into the app’s settings.

Final note

If you’re looking to password protect a PDF file on your iPhone, then you’ll want to take a look at this guide. In this article, we’ll show you how to do it in a simple way so that you can get started right away. Plus, if you have any questions or feedback about the guide, feel free to reach out to us. So let’s get started!