How to Record WhatsApp Calls on Android and iPhone – Guide

WhatsApp does not support native call recording, which makes it relatively easier to record a call from your phone recorder than with WhatsApp. ..

WhatsApp allows users to record calls by getting permission from the person whose call they want to record. ..

WhatsApp call recording on ​​Android

  1. Open the Cube Call Recorder app on your smartphone.
  2. Tap on the call you want to record.
  3. Choose the recording mode: voice or video.
  4. Click on the start button to start recording.

Make a call to record.

If you see cube call widgets in the app, be aware that your call is being recorded.

If you see an error in the phone, please reopen the app.

You can go to the app settings and click on the “force voice” icon to make sure that calls are always played without errors.

Recording WhatsApp calls on Apple’s iPhone

To record a call on WhatsApp, you will need to have a Mac with you. If you don’t have one, you can connect your Apple iPhone to your Mac using the power cord. A pop-up will appear asking you to trust the computer. Click yes. If you are connecting the phone for Mac for the first time, you will need to go to quick time option. This will bring you to a new audio recording option in the files section here. Click on record button. Click on QuickTime Record button after the entire process and make a call through WhatsApp. When the call connects, click add user icon. Recording will start as soon as your call is received.

Final note

How to Record WhatsApp Calls on Android and iPhone If you are looking to record WhatsApp calls on your Android or iPhone device, there are a few things you need to take into account. First, make sure that your phone is up-to-date with the latest security patches. Second, be sure that your WhatsApp app is installed on both devices. Finally, be sure to set up a call recording schedule for both devices so that you can easily keep track of who is talking and when. Here’s how to record WhatsApp calls on Android:

  1. Open the WhatsApp app and sign in with your account credentials.
  2. On the main screen, click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen (the three lines that look like a triangle). This will open a menu where you can select which device you want to call (Android or iPhone). If you are calling an existing WhatsApp user on an Android device, they will automatically be connected to your phone in this menu; if you are calling an existing WhatsApp user on an iPhone device, they will need to press the Call button in order for the call to start.
  3. Once you have selected which device you want to call, click on the Call button in order for the call to start. The phone will ask for your contact information (username and phone number) before starting the call. You can also use this opportunity to add extra people as participants in a chat by clicking on Add Participant from within the chat window and selecting their username and phone number from among those provided. If all goes well, once the call has started it will show up in both devices’ logs as “Called.” If something goes wrong during or after a WhatsApp call (for example if one of your participants drops out), then either party can open their logs and review what happened during the call using either their smartphone’s camera or their computer’s internet connection; however, it is generally more difficult for third parties to access these