How to Remove GIMP Background Using Lay­er Mask – Guide

The background in an image is a part of the overall design and can be changed to make the image more appealing or useful. In photo editing, removing or changing the background of an image can be a challenging task. In GIMP, it’s very easy to do. With several tools at your disposal, you can remove or change the background of an image in GIMP.

In GIMP, we can do this in a number of ways, using different tools and features. We will use the fuzzy selection tool, the path tool, the color selection tool and we will also add the mask layer to the original layer. How to using the different methods to remove the background depends on the characteristics of an image, such as: B. Color contrast of an image, detailing of an object and much more. So let’s find out which method matches which image.

Second Life Image

  1. Choose the right photo There are a lot of different types of photos out there, so it’s important to choose the right one for our story. We want to use a photo that is interesting and captures the essence of our story. There are a lot of different ways to choose the right photo, so we’ll just give some tips on how to do it.
  2. Edit it carefully Once we’ve chosen our photo, it’s important to edit it carefully so that it looks good and feels authentic. We want our story to feel like it’s from the inside, so we need to make sure the photo is properly captioned and has all the correct information included. We also want to make sure that all of the text is in proper typeface and size so that readers can easily read it.
  3. Publish it! Now that we’ve edited our photo and made sure everything is correct, we need to publish it! This is where things get tricky because there are a lot of different ways to publish photos online. We’ll just give some tips on how to do this in order to make sure our story gets seen by as many people as possible.

To remove your avatar, choose a background with a single uniform color. This will make it much easier to remove.

To keep your avatar completely still, position it in a modeling pose.

  1. Choose a location that will be the subject of your snapshot.
  2. Take a few steps towards the location before taking the picture.
  3. Hold your camera still and take a quick snapshot of the subject at the location you have chosen.

In the graphics tab, uncheck Local lights, Basic shadows and Atmospheric shadows. Click OK to close Preferences.

To create a new sky preset, from the on-screen menu, click World > Environment Editor > Sky Presets. Click New Preset. In the New Preset dialog box, type a name for your new preset and click OK. The new sky preset is now available for use in your world. ..

Gamma slider all the way to the left: enlarge image for a clearer view. Your screen should look like this, with your avatar silhouetted against a white background. ..

This snapshot shows a monochrome image of a building.

Reset the daylight setting back to default and reselect the lighting settings in Preferences. ..

Remember not to move the camera position when taking a picture of your avatar.

Removing the Background in GIMP

With both images, you can create a basic photo album. To start, select the image you want to use as your main photo and click on the “Create Album” button. Once the album is created, you can add any photos from your camera roll or from online sources. You can also add new photos if you want to. To view your album, select one of the photos and click on the “View Album” button.

In Gimp, open your avatar image. Add the monochrome image as a layer. ..

You can crop the images if you like by using the Rectangle Selection tool to drag a border around the part of the image you want to keep and then selecting Image > Crop Image.

With the monochrome image, the active layer and the top layer select Colors > Invert. The silhouette should now be black against a white background.

Now select Colors > Brightness-Contrast and in the panel that opens move the contrast layer to the right until no detail can be seen inside the white outline of the avatar. Click OK. ..

Adding a Layer Mask

In the Layers panel, right-click the top layer (which should be the monochrome layer) and from the drop-down menu select Add Layer Mask. This should be halfway through the menu. In the window that opens, select Grayscale copy of layer. Click on the Add button button.

Select Mask from the drop-down menu to select the monochrome layer.

In the image window, click Select > Reduce. In the Reduce Selection window, type ‘1’ to have the selection reduced by one pixel. This is to (hopefully) ensure that the avatar image doesn’t have cluttered edges when the background is removed.

Now hide the top layer in the Layers panel by clicking the eye icon to the left of it and make the avatar layer the active layer. Right-click the avatar layer and from the drop-down menu select Add Layer Mask. The Add Layer Mask window will open again, but this time choose Selection and click OK.

In the Layers panel, create a transparent layer by clicking the icon below and to the left of the layers. Then use the green arrows to place it below the avatar layer.

Right-click on the avatar layer and select Merge Down from the drop-down menu. The avatar image will now have a transparent background, with the original background removed. You can add any background to the image you like. In this example, I’ve added a gradient on a new layer as a background image for the avatar. Then with the avatar layer, the active layer, I selected Filters > Light and Shadow > Drop Shadow to create the shadow effect.

Final note

This guide will show you how to remove the GIMP background using a layer mask. If you have any questions about this article, feel free to ask us in the comments below. Additionally, please share this article with your friends if you enjoyed it! ..