How to Search, Download and Install Software on Linux Using Ubuntu – Guide

If you’re a Linux user, you’ll quickly find that there are many different ways to do the same thing. This includes installing applications from the command line. I’ve been a Linux user for about 25 years and I always go back to the command line to install my apps.

There are two main types of package management systems: Debian and Ubuntu. Debian is the most popular, and it’s used on most Linux distributions. Ubuntu is a newer system, and it’s used on a few specific distributions, such as Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support) and Ubuntu 16.04 (16-bit). Package managers are programs that help you install software by finding and installing the correct packages for your system. Package managers can be found in the Applications folder of your Linux distribution’s installation directory. To use a package manager, you first need to install it on your system. You can find instructions on the package manager’s website or in the documentation that accompanies the manager. Once you have installed the package manager, you can use it to find and install software. Package managers come in different flavors: KDE (KDE Plasma), GNOME (GNOME 3), LXDE (LXDE), Fedora (Fedora 27), CentOS (CentOS 7), Archlinux (Archlinux ARM), and many more.

Ubuntu Software Center

 On the right is an option to install software packages.

The bottom bar has a list of installed softwarepackages, as well as a search bar.

The three buttons in the center of the screen are used to explore new software, list installed software, or check for software updates. Installation of software in Ubuntu Software Center is simple. Select the package you want to install and click install button.


The apt package manager is a complete package installer that can be used to install, update, remove, and even search for software packages.

Synaptic Package Manager

sudo apt-get install synaptic

sudo apt install synaptic is a command line tool for installing software packages from the Ubuntu Software Center. ..

Once Synaptic is installed, you can launch it from the command line. To launch Synaptic, type: synaptic

Downloadable packages

Ubuntu users can install software packages from a software source using the Ubuntu Software Center. After downloading the package, open the Ubuntu Software Center and click on the Install button. The software will be installed and ready to use. Another way to install .deb software packages is to use the Terminal. After downloading the package, open the Terminal and type dpkg -i filename.deb. The package will be installed and ready to use. The third way to install .deb software packages is by using a command line interface. After downloading the package, type dpkg -i filename.deb in a terminal window and press Enter. ..

Installing with APT

If you have a .deb package on your local computer, you can simply install it via the APT command line tool. First make cd in the Downloads folder.

sudo apt install virtualbox

$ sudo apt install virtualbox

The command will install all necessary software dependencies for the package you are installing.

installing with dpkg

dpkg -i This will install the package “” into the Debian system.

$ sudo apt-get install ./package_name

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dpkg

Installing via the GUI

You can install Ubuntu software by double clicking on the .deb file. This will open the file in the Ubuntu software center and then just click install from the GUI menu.

Compiling from source code

The final installation option we will cover is to install the software from source code. This is, you download the software source code and compile it. Unlike the other installation methods we’ve looked at so far, this one is probably the most demanding, but it’s worth it. As most Linux packages are free and open source, you can modify the source code of any software and change it according to your preference. Also, you might just be interested in learning good architecture and coding patterns from large software projects.

We’ll take a look at how to build your own software from scratch using Git, the popular version control system. We’ll start with a simple project and work our way up.

Next, we will need to compile the software. This can be done with make or GCC. Once the software is compiled, we will need to install it. This can be done with sudo or apt-get. We will then need to use curl to download the software’s source code. This can be done by typing curl -L | sudo apt-get install

$ sudo apt install libz-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettext cmake gcc curl

The curl command line tool can be used to download the source code files for a web application. Alternatively, the wget tool or the GUI can be used.

We want to place the software’s source code in the Downloads folder, but you can use any other location, cd to the Downloads folder using the following.

curl -L \ -o /Users/*/.mvn/repository/${MVN_VERSION}/${ARTifactId} This will download the git source code for the Incubator Maven repository at

Curl -O git.tar.gz Git -T git

tar -xvf source.tar.gz

To install the package, cd to the extracted folder and type: sudo apt-get install git-2.26.2 ..

make configure

To compile the software, we need to use the following command in the source code root folder. ..

The build process will take a while, but once it’s complete, we’re all ready to install our newly built software.

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-libc-$(uname -r) This will install the headers and libraries needed to run the Linux kernel.

Installing packages… The following packages will be installed: libgcc1 libstdc++6 The installation will take a few minutes. ..

git -v This will show the version of git installed on the system.

Final note

How to Search, Download and Install Software on Linux Using Ubuntu In this guide, we will show you how to search, download and install software on Ubuntu using a few simple steps. We will start by installing the Ubuntu software repository and then we will show you how to use the apt-get command to get the latest software updates. Finally, we will show you how to use the apt-get command to install software using the package management system Ubuntu.

  1. Install Ubuntu Software Repository The first step in installing software on Ubuntu is to add the Ubuntu Software repository to your system. To do this, open a terminal window and type: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-software/ppa sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install ubuntu-software