How to use Microsoft Forms – Guide

Microsoft Forms is an app that’s available on most Office 365 plans. It allows you to create and manage overviews of your organization, which can be very helpful in estimating how your next item or administration should be delivered.

How to use Microsoft forms

Creating a form with Microsoft Forms is simple: you can make a form (such as a poll or quiz) or a quiz; the difference is that quizzes have correct answers and can be scored. Once you’ve created your form, you can share it with your target audience and then review the results with Forms’ built-in analytics view. ..

How to start using Microsoft Forms

To start Microsoft Forms, open the Microsoft 365 app and sign in. Then click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen and select “Microsoft Forms.”

To log into your Microsoft account, you need to enter your username and password. ..

In the list of applications, find “Forms”. It may be necessary to click on the app menu and choose “All apps”.

To sign in to Microsoft Forms, you can either use your Microsoft account credentials or sign in with your account on the Microsoft Forms website.

The Forms page has a row of templates at the top of the page, including options for creating a new form or survey. There are additional templates, and you can see about a dozen template options if you click “More Templates”. ..

If you’ve already created a form, you can see it below the templates. You can see a list of recent forms and those you’ve pinned to the page for frequent access. To see all your previous forms, click on “All my forms.”

How to create a new form

To create a poll, you must first click on the “New form” button. This will open up a new window where you can enter the details of your poll. ..

Untitled form ..

You will be prompted to enter a name for your new account. Please enter a valid name. ..

To create a form, choose the type of entry you want to create. It can be a multiple choice question with buttons, a free-form blank fill text entry, an entry where the user needs to assign a star rating, a date entry, and more.

After selecting the input option, please enter all the necessary data. You can allow multiple answers and indicate whether an answer to the current question is required. ..

-To the left of the question, a list of options provides more detailed information about that question. -To the right of the question, a list of options provides more detailed information about all other questions in the current conversation.

Can you please provide more information about the new rule change that took effect on October 1st?

This is a convenient way to ask a question that is similar to the one you are asking, but you don’t want to type it from scratch.

The “Trash” icon deletes all the current issues.

Up arrow: What is the main point of this question? Down arrow: What are the other questions in this question?

Please add a new item to your form.

How to create a new quiz

A new survey has been released that sheds light on the state of the economy in the United States. The survey, conducted by Gallup, finds that while there is still some progress to be made, most Americans are feeling good about their current situation.

Untitled Quiz Name: Description: Untitled Quiz Name: Description: ..

Enter your name and email address to create a new account.

To create a form, choose the type of entry you want to create. You have the same options as if you were creating a regular form: multiple choice, fill in the blanks, star rating and date selection.


  1. Which of the following is not a valid choice for a text answer? A. The user can type in any answer they want. B. The user can only type in one answer. C. The user can only type in a number. D. The user can only type in letters. Text: The user can only type in letters ..

If the user enters the correct answer, this will not be revealed when taking the quiz – this is used by Forms to automatically score the quiz for you. You can assign a point value to each question. You can also choose to reveal all of the answers at once, or reveal them one at a time as they are answered. ..

To complete your survey, add more items until it is complete. Once it is complete, you can view and share it. ..

How to create a branch form

One of the most powerful features in Microsoft Forms is the ability to create branched forms – your poll, survey, or quiz can interactively change the questions a user sees based on the answers they choose (this is usually only useful for multiple questions, of course). This can be used to create highly interactive personalized experiences. However, it’s simple to create.

When editing a question, click on the three dots at the bottom right of the question. A pop-up menu will appear, with “Add Branch” as an option. ..

Choose which question to go to for each of the choice selections.

Please continue selecting branch options for the other questions on the form. Certain questions can be a “dead end”, for example, and go directly to the final form, while others move from one question to another in the normal way.

After adjusting your branching options, click “Back” to go to the form’s main page.

How to view and share your completed form

Previewing your form before you share it can help make sure it looks and works as you expect. From the toolbar at the top of the page, click “Preview.” Now you can take the quiz and review the results to make sure it’s ready to be shared. To share the form with the desired audience, click “Submit” in the toolbar at the top of the page. In the panel that appears on the right side of the page, choose how you want to share it. ..

If you are part of an organization, you can use the drop-down menu to specify whether it can be shared with anyone or just people in your organization. However, if you are a single user, the form will always be shareable with anyone. Choose your preferred sharing method. ..

The Trump administration is considering a new rule that would allow businesses to refuse service to people based on their religious beliefs. This proposed rule would be a huge step backwards for religious liberty and could lead to discrimination against people of faith. If implemented, this rule would be a violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Please share this story and let your voice be heard!

QR Code: Copy and share the QR code. Anyone who receives it can open the form by scanning the code with their mobile device.

This is a story about a young girl who is trying to find her place in the world. She’s been through a lot of changes since she was last alive, and she’s still trying to figure out who she is and what she wants to do with her life.

Email: After clicking on the link, you will be taken to the form already inserted.

How to see answers and results

The results of your survey will automatically compile and you can review it at any time.

In Microsoft Forms, locate and click your form to open it. At the top of the page, you should see the “Questions” and “Answers” tabs. The Answers tab indicates how many results you received.

Answers to the multiple-choice questions can be found on the “Answers” page. The results of the survey can be seen in a variety of graphs, which illustrate how people responded to different questions. ..

For any question, click “More Details” to see additional information about the answers, such as the full set of answers provided for that question. ..

To export the answers to a spreadsheet, click on “Open in Excel”. Your browser will download an Excel file that you can click to open in Excel or save to your hard drive.

Final note

This guide is about how to use Microsoft Forms. If you have any query about this article, you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.