Guide: Use Nest­ed Lists in Google Keep: Tips and Tutorial

Google Keep now has a sublists feature, which is great for incomplete lists. You can add items to a list by clicking on the plus sign next to the list name, and then adding a new item to the list by clicking on the minus sign next to the list name.

Google Keep supports two types of lists: bulleted lists and to-do lists. Bulleted lists are easy to read and work well for shortlists or as a quick overview of your list. To-do lists are great for tasks that need to be completed in a specific order, like cleaning the house or packing for a vacation. Both types of lists can be indented, which makes them easier to read and manage. You can also add notes to either type of list, which is great for adding extra detail or reminders. ..

How to do that? Let’s get to know it. ..

Create bulleted lists

-You can choose the bulleted lists if you want to create a list without the checkboxes. The items in this list are automatically preceded by a bullet point. -Google Keep supports three bullets: dash (-), asterisks, or star.

  1. Starred items are the most important.
  2. Open Google Keep and type a dash/hyphen (-) or a star followed by space. Then type your first list item.

Nested Google Keep sublists 2 Nested Google Keep sublists 3 Nested Google Keep sublists 4 Nested Google Keep sublists 5

Nested Google Keep sublists 2

, it will add a new bullet point.

  1. To use the star format, press Backspace once.

  2. Nested bulleted lists are an easy way to organize your points and make them more easily readable. ..

  3. Choose the app or website you want to use.

  4. Follow the steps to install it.

  5. Use the app or website to do your work.

Step 2: To create a sublist, press Backspace to remove the automatically created bullet.

Nested Google Keep sublists 4 are a way to keep track of important information in one place. You can create a list of items, or nest them together, to make it easier to find and access information.

Step 3:

To indent a list: Press the spacebar to add spaces to the indentation. Type the number of spaces you want to indent, and then press Enter. ..

The following is a list of steps to follow when writing a story:

  1. Follow the main points of the story with space and the first list item.
  2. Create sub-items that focus on specific points in the story.
  3. Use strong verbs and nouns to create a clear, concise story.

In the same way you can create another list under a sublist. All you need to do is add spaces and make a list.

Nested Google Keep sublists are a great way to organize your thoughts and keep track of your to-dos. ..

If you also press the Enter key on an empty bullet point, the list will be aborted and you will not be able to continue.

Nested Google Keep sublists are a great way to organize your thoughts and keep track of your to-dos. ..

app and tap the plus icon in the bottom left corner. Then select checkboxes.

Nested Google Keep sublists 8 mobile:

  1. “My Contacts”
  2. “My Photos”
  3. “My Calendar”
  4. “My Notes”
  5. “My Tasks”
  6. “My Web App”
  7. “All My Accounts” Nested Google Keep sublists 9:
  8. “Calendar”
  9. “Notes”
  10. “Tasks”
  11. “Web App”

On the website, click the three-dot menu below the note and select Show Checkboxes. Nested Google Keep sublists 10 ..

Nested task lists Mobile Unlike bulleted lists, where you can create as many hierarchies as possible, task lists allow only one hierarchy, ie items can only be moved one step to the right. The method to create nested lists differs on the website and

  1. Go to the App Store on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Search for “TextExpander” and install it.
  3. Open TextExpander and type “textexpand” (without the quotes) into the search bar at the top of the app.
  4. Tap on the “TextExpander” button that appears next to “textexpand.”
  5. Type in a word or phrase and tap on the “+” button to add it to your list of expansions.
  6. Tap on an expansion in your list to use it. ..

Nested lists

  1. Open Google Keep
  2. Type “nested list” into the search bar and hit enter
  3. A new window will open with a list of all of your Google Keep notes, organized by date and topic

Nested Google Keep sublists can be helpful for organizing your thoughts. By creating nested sublists, you can move items toward the left side of the screen. ..

Geneste lijsten op website

There are two ways to make geneste taken-lists on the website. The first way is to use simple steps and cuts, and the second is to use the quick buttons.

First, list a list. Then move your finger over an item in the list and press the spacebar to move it to the left. Press the spacebar again to return it to its original position.

Google Keep is a note taking and organizing app that lets users keep track of their thoughts, ideas, and to-dos. The app has a number of features that make it an attractive option for people who want to manage their personal information and workflows in one place. ..

How to create nested lists in Google Keep: To create a nested list, first open Google Keep and create a new list. Next, click the “plus” button on the left side of the list and select “sublist.” This will create a new, empty list inside of the original list. You can now add items to the sublist just like you would any other list in Google Keep. When you’re finished adding items, click the “close” button on the sublist’s toolbar and then click the “plus” button on the left side of the main list to close it. ..

Use Nest­ed Lists in Google Keep: Tips and Tutorial: benefits


Final note

Google Keep is a great way to keep track of your to-dos, ideas, and notes. Nesting lists lets you group related items together so you can easily find what you’re looking for. This guide will show you how to use nested lists in Google Keep. ..

If you have any queries about using Nest­ed Lists in Google Keep, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Our team is always happy to help.