How to Use the Reddit Mobile Website to Send a Message – Guide

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp now allow group chats as well as individual chats. This feature allows users to communicate specific difficulties without fear of others seeing them. Private messages can only be sent by Reddit account holders on mobile devices, but are limited to text only. Due to incomplete mobile Reddit websites and frequently updated apps, some mobile users may need to try workarounds. ..

Messages on Reddit

Direct messages are a newer way of communicating on Reddit. They are different from private messages, which are older ways of communicating on Reddit. Private messages are between two users and can only be sent to people that the sender knows. Direct messages are between two users and can be sent to anyone that the sender wants.

When you want to send a private message to someone you know, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that the person is online and available. Second, be sure to use a private message service that is secure. Third, be sure to avoid sending personal information (like your address or phone number) in a private message. Finally, be aware that if you send a private message that is inappropriate or offensive, the other person may see it as something strange (stranger alert!). ..

Private messages on the web

On the homepage, click on the “subreddits” link. On the “subreddits” page, click on the “politics” link. On the “politics” page, click on the “donald trump” link. On the “donald trump” page, you will see a list of all of his recent posts. ..

To open your account, please enter your login details.

This will take you to the Reddit homepage.

To view all of your messages, click on the ‘All’ tab. This will open the ‘Messages’ screen with the ‘Unread’ tab active. The other tabs are ‘Messages’, ‘Comments’, ‘Replies’ and ‘Post Replies’ and ‘Username Mentions’. ..

If you want to send a message to someone on Reddit, but don’t want them to see it on the public site, you can do so by clicking on the ‘Send a private message’ label just above the tabs. This will open up an old-style Reddit PM with a form. ..

In ‘to’, add the username of your recipient (u /) or subreddit moderator (/ r /). Add subject and message. Then click submit.

From a user’s profile

If you want to send a message to the user “username” or search for them using their username, please navigate to them and click on them.

This opens the ‘More options’ page. On the right side of the screen, in a small profile box, click on ‘More options’ button.

You will be prompted to enter your message. Type your message and click ‘Send’. ..

If you have not yet registered for the event, please do so now. ..

I am not a robot. I am a human.

Private messages in the app

As the app is a later development, it just features instructions and no content.

Make sure you are connected to the app and tap the button to make a reservation.

If you remember the username of the person you want to send a message to, type it in the search box and tap the “Search” button.

To see the profiles of people who matched your result, swipe to the ‘Profiles’ tab.

When you see the page for a person, tap their name and when the page appears, tap the ‘Chat’ button. You are now ready to send a private message.

To use the ‘Chat’ icon, first open the chat box by clicking on it from the top of your screen. Then type or paste the following into the text box: Chat

Final note

If you’re looking for a way to send a message on Reddit, the mobile website is a great option. This guide will show you how to use the website to send a message, and if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us. Plus, please share this article with your friends!