Guide: Difference between Snapchat Mute and Do Not Dis­turb Features

Now, if you want to avoid someone on Snapchat, you can add them to your friends list or block them. This is more convenient, as it keeps other people from finding out about you and being able to contact you.

Snapchat has introduced two new features that are different from one another: muting and DND. While they may sound the same, they are not. They are unrelated, and it is important to know the difference between them. ..

In this post, we’re going to explore how Snapchat mute and disturb work and compare them. We’ll also take a look at some of the benefits of using these features.

What happens when you use them

  1. “Let’s take a look at what each means and how they function.” This is the opening sentence of this article, and it provides a brief overview of what each term means. It then goes on to discuss how they function in relation to one another.

Do not disturb

Do you find group notifications bother you? If the answer is yes, it may be because you don’t want to be in the same group as the person or the group’s notifications are bothering you too much. To stop group notifications from bothering you, try to block people or leave the group.

Snapchat is introducing a new feature called “do not disturb.” This feature will allow users to silence their notifications so they can have uninterrupted conversations. This is a great way to avoid distractions and have more uninterrupted conversations.

Do not disturb feature on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram and other chat apps will stop reports from said contact or group.


Snapchat is a messaging app that allows users to send and receive messages without having to be heard. The mute feature is a way for users to communicate without being heard. If someone wants to communicate without being heard, they can use the mute feature.

How do you avoid seeing a story you don’t want to see when looking at other stories on Facebook? ..

Muting a story can help you keep in touch with people who are important to your story, but it also pushes the stories of those contacts to the end of the story list. That person’s stories don’t appear in the story slideshow.

If you want to view their stories, you have to open them manually. In more blunt terms, if you want to stay friends with someone on social media, you have to open their stories manually.

WhatsApp has a similar feature for his status on the messaging app. Even Instagram allows you to mute users whose stories you don’t want to see.

In one of the features, you cannot set a time limit. You need to remove Do Not Disturb mode or manually unmute someone. ..

You can contact each other

In either case, the other person can still message you. The only difference is that when you turn on do not disturb mode for someone, they will not receive a notification about their messages, but they will be displayed up in your inbox when you open it.

Can they see your story?

The lack of a feature on social media platforms that prevents users from seeing one another’s stories is a problem. This prevents users from exchanging information and building relationships.

They are notified

In either case, they won’t get a notification if you’ve muted or turned on do not disturb mode.

Do Not Disturb mode does not work if someone has muted you or silenced your notifications.

How to Mute and turn on Do not disturb

  1. Choose a topic that is important to you and your readers.
  2. Research the topic thoroughly before writing your article.
  3. Write an article that is well-written and informative.

Step 2: Tap on the person you want to add. Step 3: On the next screen, tap on the camera button. Step 4: Hold your finger down on the screen and snap a picture. ..

Step 2: Tap the person’s profile picture followed by Settings. To change your profile picture, follow these steps:

  1. Tap the person’s profile picture.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Select a new profile picture. ..

If you choose not to disturb your partner, they will not be able to see or respond to any of your messages until you both turn off Do Not Disturb. ..

How to Turn mute off and turn on notifications

To turn on notifications, tap on Un Story or Turn On Notifications.

If you unmute a story, their new stories will also appear in the story list and slideshow. Likewise, when you enable notifications, you will receive notifications when they send you a message.

When to use

Do not disturb mode helps you not be bothered by someone’s updates. You cannot put the entire app in this mode. You must select a contact or a group to use it featureSuppose a person is bothering you or a friend sends random snaps, then you can turn off the message notifications with this mode.

If you don’t like looking at someone’s stories, it can help to mute them. This will remove them from the story list, but they will remain your friends on Snapchat.

Snapchat has deleted two features that many people were confused about. Go ahead and use them wisely. ..

Difference between Snapchat Mute and Do Not Dis­turb Features: benefits


Final note

Snapchat Mute and Do Not Dis­turb Features: A Guide If you’re like most people, you probably use Snapchat to keep in touch with friends and family. But what if you don’t want to be disturbed when they send you a message? That’s where Snapchat Mute comes in. When you use Snapchat Mute, your phone will turn off automatically when it detects a message has been sent. This way, you can stay connected without being disturbed. However, if someone sends you a message while you’re using Snapchat Mute, the message will still be sent but won’t be shown to anyone else on your phone.

If you have any queries about the difference between Snapchat Mute and Do Not Dis­turb Features, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Our team is always happy to help you.